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Castletown GNS, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Trip to post office and “How I’ve changed” project

22nd Mar 2024

In class, we have been learning about growing up. We have all grown up so much since we were babies. To see how much we have grown up, we brought in our baby pictures and we played “Guess the Baby”. This was lots of fun and caused lots of laughter as we guessed who the baby was in the photos. 

We then made a project to show how we have grown. Each of us worked hard writing, cutting and sticking. As we have been learning about the post office, we came up with the idea to post our projects home. We packed our projects into an envelope, stuck the stamp on our envelopes and walked to the post office. This was lots of fun. 

Some of us even decided that we would love to work in a post office when we grow up. 

Check out the pictures from our projects and our trip to the post office.