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Castletown GNS, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Rice Krispy Treats 🧁

1st Feb 2024

This week we made some rice krispy buns. We have been learning about procedural writing this month and making rice krispy buns were a great and yummy way to finish it off. Once we made the buns, we wrote the recipe making sure to include ingredients, equipment, method and bossy verbs.
Have a read and make them yourself!

Mixing bowl
Wooden Spoon
Bun cases

Rice krispies
2 large bars of chocolate 
Mini eggs

1. Wash and dry your hands.

2. Break the chocolate into pieces and put it in a mixing bowl. 

3. Put the bowl of chocolate into the microwave and heat in 10 second intervals until melted. 

4. Take the bowl out of the microwave and pour in the rice krispies. 

5. Mix the rice krispies into the chocolate using the wooden spoon until they are covered in chocolate.

6. Use the tablespoon and teaspoon to scoop the rice krispies into the bun cases. 

7. Decorate the buns using mini eggs or sweets/sprinkles of your choice. 

8. Let them set for 1-2 hours and enjoy! 

*Serves 17 hungry 3rd class girls.